Scientific Journal of RTU Information Technology and Management Science is an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing papers in the area of information technology and its applications in management science. It is published annually by RTU Institute of Information Technology (https://ortus.rtu.lv/science/lv/series/17).
The main topics of the journal are:
- Information technology management
- Management information systems
- Intelligent computer technologies
- Data mining and ontology engineering
- Modelling and simulation
- Business intelligence and information processing methods
- Management science and related disciplines.
Authors are invited to submit theoretical as well as practice-oriented. We particularly welcome student papers, literature reviews, case studies, experience reports, tutorials and technology review papers.
The journal has a great tradition of publishing research works written by master and PhD students and has embarked on expanding its geography and promoting research collaboration among RTU and other research and industrial institutions. Authors should ensure that material from their previous research does not make up the majority of a novel paper.
The journal is referenced in a number of databases, in particular, in the EBSCO, Google Scholar, ResearcGate and Ulrich Web.
The important dates are:
- Abstract submission – May 31, 2021
- Abstract acceptance – June 15, 2021
- Paper submission – September 30, 2021
- Reviews – October 31, 2021
- Final version – November 30, 2021
- Publication – December 31, 2021
Herewith we kindly invite you to consider submitting a paper for the 24th volume of the Scientific Journal of RTU Information Technology and Management Science. In case of deciding to submit a contribution, please fill in the application form attached and e-mail it to the managing editor of the volume Tatjana Zmanovska Tatjana.Zmanovska@rtu.lv until May 31, 2021. All applications will be evaluated by the editorial board and a notification on acceptance will be announced to corresponding authors until June 15, 2021.