“Latvian Road Maintenance” was established on June 6, 2006 by merging four capital companies - “Central Region Roads”, “Latgales ceļi”, “Kurzemes ceļi”, “Vidzemes ceļi”.
In order to ensure a unified condition of state roads and their passability throughout the years in the entire teritory of Latvia, on December the 18th,2013, a Delegation Agreement was concluded with the Ministry of Transport. Which mentions that as of January the 1st, 2014, the Ministry of Transport delegates the task of public administration within its competence - planning and performance of complex daily maintenance of state roads throughout the territory of the Republic of Latvia to “Latvian Road Maintenance”. The contract is for seven years.
“Latvian Road Maintenance” is a strategic state road infrastructure maintenance company, which provides planning and performance of daily maintenance of the state road complex, daily maintenance of municipal units, transit streets and other roads, as well as production of building materials – dolomite, crushed stone, crushed gravel and sand.