Esat laipni lūgti apmeklēt RTU Informācijas tehnoloģijas institūta zinātnisko semināru, kas notiks angļu valodā, par tēmu:

Exploring Enabling Technologies for Process Innovation

Fredrik Milani, PhD, Lecturer at the University of Tartu


Any given organization operates via business processes. These processes have constantly evolved, become more complex, and been improved to manage higher degree of variability. Managing this increased demand for variability is not straightforward. Process models play an important part of managing variability, an area which has been studied extensively. At the same time, we are seeing how new technologies are enable business process improvements and innovation. Digitalization has already shown its power to improve processes and blockchain technology is on the horizon of enabling the next leap in business process innovation. In light of this, how does managing variability by use of models matter? How can these new technologies enable better business processes and be used to create value for the organisations?

In this seminar, we will take a look at how business process variability has traditionally been approached, discuss a few of their limitations in regards to the innovative power of emerging technologies, and how the latest technology (blockchain) can enable process innovation.

Seminārs notiks šī gada 4. aprīli no plkst. 16:15 līdz 17:45, Rīgā, Sētas ielā 1 – 407. auditorijā (Informācijas tehnoloģijas institūts)