Under the leadership of Riga Technical University (RTU), significant progress has been made in developing the data and knowledge management platform for the HyWay project. Internal modelling sessions have been organised to identify the mandatory and optional attributes, along with their value ranges, for documenting data acquired from HyWay experiments and simulations.

This is crucial for establishing data management practices aligned with the FAIR principles, ensuring data is discoverable and reusable. The initial metadata scheme was completed in September, following feedback from all partners. Drawing on best practices from DAMASK, SFB 1394, and widely used ontologies like QUDT, this scheme will lay the foundation for developing a hydrogen-specific ontology, which will later be submitted to the European Materials Modelling Ontology (EMMO). It will also serve as the basis for creating various dataset input forms within the Data and Knowledge Management Platform (DKMP). The DKMP will generate globally unique identifiers for datasets, supporting manual metadata authoring and metadata import from various input files. The first metadata parsing scripts for DAMASK have already been completed, and further efforts in automated metadata retrieval are underway.

The development environment for the DKMP has been established on the OpenStack private cloud computing platform, where experiments with various DKMP software components are being conducted to ensure the platform's timely delivery.


  • HyWay
  • HyWay