2024. gada 8. februārī Informācijas tehnoloģijas institūta profesors Jānis Grabis uzstājās ar plenārrunu "Hybrid Simulation-Optimization Models for Supply Chain Resilience" konferencē "EAI ARTEP 2024 - 2nd EAI International Conference on Automation and Control in Theory and Practice"".

Informācija par konferenci pieejama: https://artep-conference.eai-conferences.org/2024/

Plenārrunas anotācija:

Supply chains are complex networks subject to internal and external disruptive events. Resilience is one of the most important properties of modern supply chains.
As part of the lecture, you will receive information about comprehensive methods that should be implemented into continuous monitoring, analysis and automated control of supply chains to achieve resilience. The proposed research describes ways of integrating descriptive, prescriptive and predictive models to meet these requirements. Hybrid simulation-optimization models are a part of the presented research.
Optimizing, in this case, allows the evaluation of a number of supply chain designs, and simulation accounts for dynamic and stochastic aspects. The hybrid model combines the strengths of both methods and is developed based on a standard conceptual supply chain model. From the lecture, you can also get information about the overall modelling approach, theoretical aspects of hybrid modelling, and practical examples of supply chain modelling.