Projekta realizācijas laiks:
ERASMUS+ project on Rapid Applications or low-code development. Partners: VILNIUS TECH, Lithuania, Oracle, University of Rijeka, Croatia, Technological University Dublin, Ireland, Rigas Tehniska Universitate, Latvia, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.
Project objective is to increasing quality in the educational work, activities and practices through digital transformation of at least 5 European HE institutions, opening up to different business sectors massively requiring IT talents. It is planned to prepare HE institutions to introduce and pilot foundational (3ECTS) and intermediate courses (3ECTS) in the area of rapid application development (RAD) and organise a number of multiplier events involving HE institutions, businesses, students.
The project includes 3 work packages (WPs): WP°1 ‚Project management‘, WP°2 ‚Development and delivery on a pilot basis of RAD educational courses‘ aimed at development and piloting RAD and courses (6ETCS), and WP°3 ‚Sharing and dissemination of the project results (outputs) aiming at organisation of multiplier events, including local and European workshops, transnational conference, hackathon, internships, career events in 5 countries (Lithuania, Ireland, Latvia, Estonia, and Croatia).
As a result of the project, 18 teaching & assisting staff from 5 HE institutions will be trained, foundation RAD course (Module 1), 3ECTS, and RAD intermediate course with e-book (Module 2), 3ECTS, will be developed and piloted with at least 100 students. At least 5 business use cases for application of RAD in real business life situations will be developed. Organised multiplier events will help to share and disseminate the results of the project with at least 300 stakeholders involved.
A new study course Application Development with Oracle APEX has been developed:
Course description: A low-coding approach allows to develop applications faster and does not require specialized programming skills. Oracle APEX is one of the most popular low-coding platforms. In the study course, using the study resources of "Oracle Academy", students strengthen their knowledge in database management systems and the SQL language, as well as learn the development of web and mobile applications, which includes the development of databases, user interfaces and reports. Oracle APEX development and application deployment takes place in a cloud-based environment.
A seminar with industry representative was organized on May 24th to discuss study content, case studies and collaboration opportunities.
Photo by Visax on Unsplash